Collaboration with Italian Stylist- Linda Boranga
Captain's cut has had the honour to collaborate with renowned Italian Stylist Linda Boranga as part of a larger project into our our first debut at the Malta Fashion Week Linda has brought years of experience and inimitable style to the show by selecting impeccable clothing articles to compliment the leather collection designed and produced by the Captain himself.
This symbiotic relationship between artisanal leather and fine textiles like silk, vintage wedding dresses from the past century and the amalgamation of hair and make up elevated the show to a different level.
Our long nights of collaboration with video calls, research and hard work paid off as we timed the runway on the day with the original sound track , briefed our models and talented hair and make up crew.
I would like to thank Linda Boranga for such a magical co-creation. This would not have been possible was it not for James Dimech, the talented Maltese paper art genius who got us in touch and supported me throughout.
Photos- Steven Mugliett & Mark Soler